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Double Face Mechanical Seals

  • ZQM74-D mechanical seal
  • ZQM74-D mechanical seal
ZQM74-D mechanical sealZQM74-D mechanical seal

ZQM74-D mechanical seal

  • mechanical seal
  • general mechanical seal
  • multi spring
  • unbalanced type
  • Product description: ZQM74-D mechanical seal
Appication Scopes
Medium Gas, oil, water, noncrystalline acids, bases, salts, organic solvents, etc.
Pressure <1MPa
Temperature -50-220°C
Shaft diameter 18-200MM
Linear Velocity <15m/s
Viscosity 300CP

Structural Features

1. Multi spring, sleeve drive, double face seal. When used, it has nothing to do with the direction of rotation. The spring seat, spring and push ring can be assembled in advance, and the installation is convenient.

2. In addition to the installation length of the drive seat, the other installation dimensions (d≤100mm) are in line with DIN24960 standard, versatility is strong.

Double Face Multi Spring Mechanical Shaft Seal For Pump

Double Face Multi Spring Mechanical Shaft Seal For Pump

Double Face Multi Spring Mechanical Shaft Seal For Pump

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