
Welcome: Zigong Zhaoqiang Sealing Products Industrial Co., Ltd
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Double Face Mechanical Seals

  • ZQMDL mechanical seal
  • ZQMDL mechanical seal
ZQMDL mechanical sealZQMDL mechanical seal

ZQMDL mechanical seal

  • double face mechanical seal
  • balanced type mechanical seal(
  • slurry
  • Product description: ZQMDL mechanical seal

Application  Scopes


Gypsum slurry, alumina slurry, coal washing slurry, tailings slurry, heating pump,etc.





Linear Velocity


Shaft diameter


Structural features

1. The structure is of double-face low-resistance water seal type. The shaft sleeve has steps. The axial dimension of the mechanical seal should be strictly controlled when the pump chamber is installed.

2. The sealing device is equipped with a pressure gauge, which can conveniently measure the blocking water pressure and avoid premature failure of the mechanical seal due to the lack or insufficiency of the blocking water.

3. The flushing water can be recycled and does not enter the media process, and has no effect on the technological process.


1. One end of the pressure gauge is connected with the blocking water outlet through the tee junction, and the other end is connected with the blocking water inlet through the valve.

2. The pressure of the flushing water is about 0.3Mpa.

3. Before the pump starts, you need to open the sealing water 5 minutes in advance. When the pump is stopped, the sealing water must be closed after 5 minutes.

4.The flushing water must be kept stable and continuous during the operation of the pump.

通道| 北宁市| 杨浦区| 墨江| 荔浦县| 昌宁县| 海盐县| 永靖县| 长岛县| 哈尔滨市| 剑阁县| 新乐市| 丽江市| 叶城县| 赤城县| 阜南县| 晋江市| 南丹县| 镇远县| 永川市| 敦化市| 监利县| 灵寿县| 齐河县| 胶州市| 浮山县| 娄底市| 化隆| 延安市| 鹿邑县| 久治县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 永德县| 田阳县| 德钦县| 永仁县| 大丰市| 沈丘县| 镇平县| 阳西县| 高台县|