
Welcome: Zigong Zhaoqiang Sealing Products Industrial Co., Ltd
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Pharmaceutical Industry

  • ZQCS Transmission seal
  • ZQCS Transmission seal
ZQCS Transmission seal  ZQCS Transmission seal

ZQCS Transmission seal

  • Transmission seal
  • Oil Transportation Seal
  • Oil tray
  • Product description: ZQCS Transmission seal
Technical parameters:
140 Axis Diameter
Work pressure: 5MPa
Oil flow rate: 489L/min
Axis speed: 1200 rpm
Axis Diameter: _140 mm
Reciprocating speed of centrifuge: 30-40 times/min
Medium: 32 # Mechanical Oil

80 Axis Diameter
Work pressure: 3.5-4.5 MPa
Oil flow rate: 232L/min
Axis speed: 1470 rpm
Axis Diameter: 80mm
Reciprocating speed of centrifuge: 30-70 times per minute, pushing distance 50 mm
Medium: 32 # Mechanical Oil

Schematic diagram:

上思县| 易门县| 奉化市| 丹寨县| 会昌县| 江安县| 六安市| 林州市| 广州市| 佛山市| 亳州市| 陈巴尔虎旗| 抚顺市| 鸡东县| 南木林县| 冷水江市| 库车县| 泰州市| 弥渡县| 富平县| 汉沽区| 芦溪县| 婺源县| 乃东县| 赞皇县| 宁远县| 渭南市| 浪卡子县| 营山县| 靖州| 宜都市| 高陵县| 金阳县| 烟台市| 高邑县| 界首市| 乐平市| 万山特区| 南城县| 循化| 绍兴县|