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The difference between single spring and multi spring

The role of spring in mechanical seal: make the end face of the friction pair closely fit;The end face of the friction pair is worn and compensates.

According to the number of springs in the compensation mechanism, it can be divided into multi-spring and single-spring mechanical seals:

Single spring: also known as large spring mechanical seal, sealing structure is simple;

Advantages: low stress value, large amount of corrosion, small dirt, medium crystallization on the mechanical properties of the spring is small;

Disadvantages: uneven load, large and long seal, limited speed.

Multi-spring: also known as small spring mechanical seal, this structure axial size is small, can change the number of spring method to change the elastic force, axial force is more uniform, suitable for high-speed mechanical seal, in corrosive media should not be used.

Advantages: small seal, uniform surface load, high speed.

Disadvantages: high stress value, small corrosion, easy to be blocked;Large dirt, medium crystallization easy to make the spring lose mechanical properties.


Contact: Zigong Zhaoqiang Sealing Products Industrial Co., Ltd

Phone: 18882031233

Tel: 0813-3202675


Add: Factory 66, No. 19, Longxiang Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Yantan District, Zigong, Sichuan, China (Mainland)

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